Employment Opportunities at Sisseton School District. Join our team! To see current job listings, go to https://www.sisseton.k12.sd.us/page/employment
Sisseton School District staff celebrated the end of the school year and recognized staff members with 10, 20, 30, and 40 years of service to the district, as well as those retiring from the Sisseton School District. Thank you to all district staff for being a part of the important and worthwhile work of educating students in the Sisseton School District!
2022-23 Years of Service Recipients:
Gayle Pearson - 35 years (retiring)
Linda Hagenson - 33 years (retiring)
Teddy Winburn - 32 years (retiring)
Michelle Greseth - 17 years (retiring)
Joyce Wood - 7 years (retiring)
Sharon Prendergast - 40 years
Bobbi Almos - 30 years
Meagan Deutsch - 20 years
Rachel Lykins - 10 years
Deliah Lehrke - 10 years
Joann Curran - 10 years
Trent Bestland - 10 years
Current district staff members who had Miss P as a teacher also gathered for a picture.
Thank you to all of our staff members for making a positive difference in the lives of our students!
Join our team! Employment Opportunities at Sisseton School District. To see current job listings, go to https://www.sisseton.k12.sd.us/page/employment
State Track Meet - Results for Sisseton, Chloe Langager 8th place Shot Put, For a full list of Class A results: https://www.athletic.net/TrackAndField/meet/495469/results
Elliot Hortness has qualified for State A Girls Golf June 5th & 6th Rapid City, SD All SDHSAA Golf Tournaments will feature Live Scoring through the Golf Genius online scoring service. A link to this scoring feature can be found at https://www.sdpb.org/hsactivities/sports/golf/
Free Summer Meals will be available for any child ages 18 and under. Children do not need to be enrolled or reside in the district to receive a summer meal, nor are there any eligibility requirements. Meals will be available on weekdays from May 30 - August 11. The program will be closed from July 3 - 4. Lunch will be served from 11:30-12:45, and snack will be served from 3:15-3:45. "To-go" meals will NOT be available this summer. Both lunch and snack will be served at Westside Elementary. All children are welcome to utilize this service. Adult meals are available for $4.35
Please provide feedback on the Sisseton School District Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan and ARP/ESSER III Plan. This feedback will be presented to the Sisseton School Board prior to board renewal of the plans at the June 2023 board meeting. ARP Plans must be reviewed every six months, per Federal guidelines.
Current Plan Link: https://5il.co/1jqnv
Updates will include information based on updated guidance from the CDC (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/schools-childcare/parent-faqs.html) and the SD DOH (https://doh.sd.gov/COVID/)
This survey will close at 4:00 p.m. on May 26, 2023.
Good luck to our student athletes. Go Big Red!
Join us this afternoon for the last home softball game.
Join us for another home softball game. Go Big Red!
Join us for the first home game for the SHS softball team. Go Big Red!
Join us for our first home track meet. Field events start @ 1:00. Running events start @ 2:30. Good luck SHS athletes!
THANK YOU to our food service staff for all you do for our students!
Title VI
Sioux Voices
FFA Banquet
Fine Arts Awards and Scholarship Awards
4.28.23 Legion Relays Cancelled ..... with much reluctance.
After conversations with officials and coaches and reviewing the forecast for Friday, the temperature will be in the 40's with 30+mph wind gusts, mostly cloudy skies, and wet surfaces. This creates conditions that are not suitable for a track meet.
The next home track meet is scheduled for Friday, May 5.
Congratulations to Ethan S., Dean S., Alexis C., and Tyan J., who received their State FFA degrees at the South Dakota State FFA Convention held in Brookings, April 16-18. Five teams qualified at the regional level contest to move on and compete at the state convention. Alexis C. placed 7th in dairy judging. Good job to all of the students who participated last week!