Join us in Ben Reifel Gymnasium tonight for Parents Night and Wrestling action with Milbank, Lisbon, and Webster.
Livestreaming available: https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/schools/sisseton-high-school-sisseton-sd

Good luck to SHS students as they present the comedy Conflict: by Wade Bradford, at the Regional One Act play competition today in Aberdeen.
Best wishes to the following: Averee A., Evelyn F., Scout G., Mason G., Reed G., Steven H., Hunter H., and Taylor S.

Check out the January 20, 2023 edition of the Redmen Review. Go to https://www.sisseton.k12.sd.us/o/shs/page/newletter

Join us this evening in Ben Reifel Gymnasium. Livestreaming available: https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/schools/sisseton-high-school-sisseton-sd

Sisseton High School presents the one act comedy
Conflict: by Wade Bradford
Monday, January 23, 2023 @ 7:30 pm
Sisseton Performing Arts Center

**SHS/SMS Activities Updates**
-BBB to Flandreau Indian - Postponed
-Gymnastics to Deuel - Cancelled
- MS BBB to Hamlin - Cancelled

Due to icy road conditions, school will start at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, January 17, 2023. Buses will run where able. Breakfast will not be served.

Tonight's GBB game vs. Lisbon has been postponed. Makeup date TBA.

Update: Game has been Postponed.
Join us this evening in Ben Reifel Gymnasium. Livestreaming available: https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/schools/sisseton-high-school-sisseton-sd
*Note change in times

Check out this month's SHS Newsletter: https://www.smore.com/k5mjc

Join us this evening in Ben Reifel Gymnasium. Livestreaming available: https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/schools/sisseton-high-school-sisseton-sd

The Sisseton School District Native American Parent Committee meeting will be held Wednesday, January 18, 4:30 - 5:00 p.m. in the Sisseton HS/MS Multipurpose Room.

Join us this evening in Ben Reifel Gymnasium.
Livestreaming available: https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/schools/sisseton-high-school-sisseton-sd

Join us at Ben Reifel Gymnasium for gymnastics today. Good luck, ladies!

Parent Teacher Conferences will be held at Sisseton High School on Monday, January 30, 2023 and Monday, February 6, 2023. Time: 4:00-8:00PM. Time: 4:00-8:00PM.

Due to the windchill warning and adverse weather conditions, all events, practices, and recreational building use are cancelled for Thursday Dec 22nd.
The home Girls Basketball game vs. Lisbon has been postponed until further notice, and the the Wrestling team will not be traveling to Lisbon.
There will be no practices, open gym, youth basketball, or recreational use.

Join us for a GBB/BBB doubleheader against Redfield tonight.

*SHS Students*
The end of the semester is Wednesday, December 22. Please log into your Infinite Campus account to check your grades and determine if you have missing assignments. If you have missing assignments, please reach out to your teacher(s) to make arrangements to complete this work, so you can get everything turned in before you leave for Winter Break.

Due to the blizzard warning and continued travel advisories, Friday, December 16, is a distance learning day.
Students in grades K-8 are expected to complete Day 5 of the distance learning packet that was sent home earlier in the year.
Students in grades 9-12 are expected to engage in Google Classroom work through the course of the school day. Students without home access to the internet may complete the distance learning work packet provided by their teacher.
Students and families - teachers are available via email throughout the school day. If additional support is needed, contact your teacher via email to schedule a Google Meets session between 9-11 and 1-3.
Staff emails are found on the following pages:
WS - https://www.sisseton.k12.sd.us/domain/78
MS – https://www.sisseton.k12.sd.us/domain/89
HS - https://www.sisseton.k12.sd.us/domain/85

*All activities cancelled for Thursday, December 15, 2022*
Rescheduled dates will be on the Sisseton Athletics page.
Wrestling NEC rescheduled for February 11, 2023.
Knowledge bowl for Friday is cancelled.
Varsity Wrestlers will not be attending the Madison Tournament.
No youth basketball tournament this Saturday in Sisseton.