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Dan Karst
Physical Education | Health
High School
(605) 698-7613 Ext 2
Cory Kranhold
Technology Director
(605) 698-7613 Ext 2
Linda Krieger
Attendance Secretary
High School
(605) 698-7613 Ext 2
Tracey Lehrke
Culinary Arts | FACS
High School
(605) 698-7613 Ext 2
Charmaine Marasigan
High School
(605) 698-7613 Ext 2
Heather McCleerey
Special Education
High School
(605) 698-7613 Ext 2
Teresa Meland
Physical Science | Chemistry
High School
(605) 698-7613 Ext 2
Amanda Nordquist
High School
(605) 698-7613 Ext 2
Steve Owen
Title VI Coordinator
High School
(605) 698-7613 Ext 2
Deb Pageler
Principal Secretary
High School
(605) 698-7613 Ext 2
Lady Lyn Paguio
High School
(605) 698-7613 Ext 2
Randy Paquibot
Special Education Paraprofessional
(605) 698-7613 Ext 2
Sharon Prendergast
English 4 | Speech | Literature
High School
(605) 698-7613 Ext 2
Ward Rumans
School Psychologist
(605) 698-7613 Ext 2
Courtney Schaefer
Ag Science | Science | AFNR
High School
(605) 698-7613 Ext 2
Austin Searles
School Resource Officer
(605) 698-7613 Ext 2
Jessica Serocki
Special Education
High School
(605) 698-7613 Ext 2
Colleen Siegel
Transition Room-Paraprofessional
High School
(605) 698-7613 Ext 2
Taylor Titze
High School
(605) 698-7613 Ext 2
Dallas Trower
High School
605-698-7613 Ext 2